Replying to @ouicettelu On deteriorating marble, excessive scrubbing and no fresh water is always an ill-advised approach. #gravestonecleaning #gravegeeks #badpractices #dontdothis #greenscreenvideo
Gray colored marbles like this one often clean up very well right away. After four years, this one might need to be cleaned again. #onthisday #gravestonecleaning #ladytaphos
Remember: scrubbing only removes some of the raised growth. Ultimately, it isn't what gets the stone clean, the product is, and since most biological staining on gravestones is under the surface, only time and patience will draw it out. Excessive aggressive scrubbing is not only unnecessary, it is harmful to the softer and more fragile historic markers. #gravestonecleaning #bestpractices #tips #faq #bepatient